In early 19th century, almost 991 million people did not receive enough food to fulfill their body requirements which resulted malnutrition in many people. This major malnutrition problem was solved by the green evolution which raised the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. The use of pesticides and fertilizer not only decreases the problem of malnutrition to 793 million people in 21 century but also causes many health issues like fetal abnormalities, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, leukemia, and congenital.
Organic food becomes more popular among the people from last few decades because it does not have any toxic compound that effect the human health badly. Organic food products is defined as the product produced or processed without the use of any artificial pes-ticides and fertilizer, growth hormones, GMO, preservatives and artificial ingredients. Nowadays, people are getting more aware about the health issues caused by conventional farming, so they are moving towards the organic farming.
In conventional farming different chemical is used which shows harmful effects on environment while the residues of these chemicals cause devastating ef-fects on human health. According to USDA "Organic farming is a production system that excludes the use of synthetically produced fertilizers, biocides, growth regulators, and livestock feed addi-tives such as antibiotics and growth hormones " (United States Department of Agriculture, 1980). In organic farming mainly natural techniques are used such as crop rotation, crop cover, green ma-nure for fertilizing land, and by enhancing host predator relationship.

The organic foods include vegetable, fruits, cereals, and animal products which are mostly considered safer healthier and better for the environment and animal than conventional food.
The meat obtained from organically raised animals contain higher amount of fatty acid but less amount of saturated fatty acid, and total fat. One of the studies showed that those mothers who were taking organically produced products like milk and meat have almost 50% higher level of ru-menic acid in their breastfeeding. It was also observed that the organically fed chickens have high immunity, produced high-quality egg with less albumin and heavy egg yolk and have lower body-weight as compared with the conventional fed chickens.
The cow which is fed on organic feed have high level of omega 3 fatty acid than on conventionally fed cow. The omega 3 fatty acid help in reducing the risk of hypertension, coronary artery disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and auto-immune disorders. One of the researches showed that pregnant Women who were consuming high quantity of organic vegetables reduces the risk of pre-eclampia and also decreases the body mass index approximately 31% reduction in obesity. Some studies resulted that vegetables produced or-ganically have slightly high level of vitamin C, antioxidant and few minerals than conventionally raised vegetables, which are helpful in protecting human body against cardiovascular diseases, can-cer and aging, also help in reducing the childhood allergy.
The taste of organic food is much better than the conventional food this is also one of the reason that people prefer to pay more for purchas-ing organic food.

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